Monday, March 25, 2013

I Lost My SD Card

Possibly one of my sweet children lost my SD card, but it wouldn't really be fair of me to blame my irresponsibility on them, would it? *grumble-grumble.*

To anyone out there who checks here frequently for new content (anyone? *Crickets chirping...* Mom???) I'm sorry for falling off the map. Besides not being able to use my camera, it is still snowy and wintery here and I just don't have it in me anymore to force my kids to be my models just for the sake of loading new content on my blog. 

I spent a good chunk of time today searching for inspiration in the blogosphere. And I actually found some, but not in the usual places I look to for seeds of creativity. Today what really inspired me are women who use their blogs to write honestly, candidly and respectfully about issues, thoughts and ideas that are really meaningful to them. I love to write, but have never used my blog as a platform to speak my mind, mostly because I always assume no one cares what I have to say, haha. 

But lately, I've had several things heavy on my mind, and they are things that I think a lot of women think about, so I might be sharing some of that later on this week.

Until then, let's hope Silas didn't eat my SD card so I can get back to over sharing my cute kids with the internet reeeeal soon. :)


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